Sunday 17 May 2015

Kneel in Nature

A year ago, amidst huge excitement and slight terror, Sam and I made a giant leap onto the property ladder, purchasing our own little patch of planet Earth. Needless to say, a rather large proportion of this patch is made up of our small, though perfectly formed little two-bed terraced house… but at the back of the property, hemmed in from the outside world is our very own little outdoor space. A (not so quiet) sanctuary inwhich we can potter around as we please: exploring, creating and watching with fascination as every day miracles happen before our very eyes.


I should say from the offset, I have never been a gardening sort. I yawned loudly whenever Monty Don’s face appeared on the TV and watched aghast as Charlie Dimmock squatted over a flowerbed, wrist deep in mucky soil – leaf-strewn hair blowing haphazardly around her face. Despite my parents' best intentions, I simply couldn’t get excited by the prospect of spending my spare time on my knees, pulling up what I believed to be weeds from perfectly manicured flower beds… the identification process for this job was undoubtedly dodgy and I no doubt pulled up many a geranium during these ‘Gardening Sunday’ afternoons.


However, with the purchase of our brand spanking new property, we automatically became the owners of a garden which was solely our responsibility… Help! Being a great believer in the helpfulness of books in all situations, I immediately bought a manual to help with this conundrum, identifying ‘Gardening Basics for Dummies’ as a pretty good place to begin. An expensive visit to the garden centre, lengthy conversations with some gardening connoisseurs and a few productive weekends later and we are the proud owners of what certainly looks to be a budding little garden. We have thus far stuck with plants that profess to be ‘hardy’ – an important quality to have in order to survive  in these conditions(!), but so far, amazingly, we have managed to keep things alive.  More than that, I have been surprised by my own interest and awareness of the changes happening from week to week and season to season. As small, somewhat pathetic little seedlings are planted and, with some nurturing and encouragement, grow into strong and beautiful plants, I am struck by the miracle of Nature. 

At this time of year particularly, as humanity continues to trudge through the working weeks – eyes fixed on the summer holiday that awaits us just around the corner – Nature is coming alive. Spring is well and truly springing up all around us as trees are resurrected with their green, fresh leaves and birds are nesting, creating the next generation of little feathered beings. Even now, with the patio doors flung open, I am greeted with the beautiful sound of birdsong and rustling leaves, as white fluffy clouds pass peacefully over our heads. God reveals Himself in the beauty of nature each and every day. Do you take the time to notice? 

Do you find yourself getting wrapped up in the cares of the World? Do you get stressed and anxious at the prospect of another week, filled with more busyness? I humbly suggest one thing… Take yourself into the great outdoors. Take a walk, or you might even just want to lie on the grass in your garden or in a field somewhere. Forget yourself for one moment. Leave your phone and laptop behind. Be still and listen carefully to the miracle of life and nature all around you. The God that created the world and everything inside it, from the smallest ant to the towering mountain is the God who created you. He has you in the palm of His hand and He knows you. Hear it and know it. This God wants a relationship with you. 

Whether you know Him or not, I encourage you to dedicate your week to this God. Trust me, He’ll keep it safe.